I had not intended on attending this women's resource center meeting when I scheduled my microfinance institution meetings from my computer in Dallas four weeks ago. How did I find out about it? I was explaining to a Honduran woman one evening how I just graduated from college and was planning to work for microfinance group in Peru beginning in August and how I was visiting microfinance groups in central america. She informed me that was a secretary at a microfinance group and that tomorrow, the microfinance group was doing a presentation on their job training, character development, education, and women's health pilot program... similar to the type of program that I am charged with developing in Peru! Divine appointment! I was pumped. The photo is of some of the borrowers listening to the presentation. These borrowers are the presidents of their respective solidarity groups and are therefore considered to be most responsible and well-educated among their peers. Aside from the great deal that I learned, highlights included a spontaneous prayer in the middle of the presentation (one of the borrowers declared that felt led by the Holy Spirit) and frequent breaks for locally manufactured grape, cherry, and orange sodas.
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