Trujillo, Peru is a bustling city of some 800,000 metropolitan inhabitants. Much like many Spanish developed cities, there is an old historic district in the heart of town that then gives way to a typical square grid development of commercial and residential. And much like most other central american cities the developed city grid thins into shanty undeveloped poorer neighborhoods on the outskirts. I live on a busy intersection apartment building just inside the historic quarters with three recent ol' miss graduates and another guy from Florida, but my the microfinance NGO "offices" in the less wealthy outskirts. I work with one other full-time employee Eduardo. Between his broken English and my broken Spanish I think we're going to be able to get things done! I don't have much to report in regards to my work here yet because most of my first week was dedicated to getting a cell phone, learning the company loaning policies and methodologies, figuring my way around town, etc. but I did have the privilege of meeting and photographing (with the help of a professional!) a few of the borrowers. Photos posted above.